5th Edition Global Rail Freight Conference

RotterdamThe Netherlands

Session 1 – From Shanghai to Rotterdam: the landbridge concept 10 years ongoing

‘All major stakeholders from the transport and logistics industry will come together to discuss the future of rail freight’

Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, General Director UIC

Conference Brochure


On 22 June, the 5th UIC Global Rail Freight Conference will start with the first of four high-level sessions. Under the concept of ‘Shaping together the business of the future’, business professionals representing the entire transport chain will engage in a concrete discussion on the positioning of rail freight as a sustainable and competitive solution in a global world of increasing volumes of trade.

Panelists will review the latest transport volume projections between Asia and Europe and discuss opportunities for rail freight, innovative business models with the maritime sector and share best practices. They will discuss the role of corridors as one of the tools with which to boost the efficiency and productivity of rail freight.

Session 1 – From Shanghai to Rotterdam: the landbridge concept 10 years ongoing

Speakers include:

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